First annual national meeting of the Bulgarian Barcode of Life consortium - BgBOL
The Bulgarian Barcode of Life (BgBOL) consortium will host the first National Barcode of Life Symposium on the 5th of December 2024 in the Central Administration of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
The in-person symposium will see Bulgarian researchers at the frontier of DNA technologies for biodiversity gather approximately one year on from the consortium’s establishment.
The event provides a unique opportunity to exchange and disseminate cutting-edge scientific knowledge about the latest DNA barcoding, metabarcoding genomics advancements covering diverse aspects of biodiversity research in Bulgaria.
Attendees will enjoy a diverse range of scientific presentations from leading figures in the scientific community together with poster sessions and time for discussions and networking.
Participation is free and open to all but prior registration is compulsory (using this Registration Form). The registration deadline is the 15th of November 2024.
Students and early-career researchers are particularly encouraged to submit a poster. Posters already presented at previous conferences or symposia are also welcome.