Case Study |
Corresponding author: Masaki Miya ( ) Academic editor: Ana Filipa Filipe
© 2022 Masaki Miya, Tetsuya Sado, Shin-ichiro Oka, Takehiko Fukuchi.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Miya M, Sado T, Oka S-i, Fukuchi T (2022) The use of citizen science in fish eDNA metabarcoding for evaluating regional biodiversity in a coastal marine region: A pilot study. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: e80444.
To test the feasibility of a citizen science program for fish eDNA metabarcoding in coastal marine environments, we recruited six groups of voluntary citizens for a science education course at a natural history museum. We held a seminar on eDNA and a workshop for seawater sampling and on-site filtration using syringes and filter cartridges for the participants. After that, they selected single survey sites following the guidelines for conducting a safe field trip. They performed seawater sampling and on-site filtration at these sites during their summer holidays. The six selected sites unexpectedly included diverse coastal habitats within a 40 km radius, located at temperate latitudes in central Japan (~35°N). After the field trips, they returned filtered cartridges to the museum, and we extracted eDNA from the filters. We performed fish eDNA metabarcoding, along with data analysis. Consequently, we identified 140 fish species across 66 families and 118 genera from the six samples, with species richness ranging from 14 to 66. Despite its limited sample size, such a diverse taxonomic range of fish species exhibited spatial biodiversity patterns within the region, which are consistent with species distribution. These include north-south and urbanization gradients of species richness, geographic structure of the fish communities, and varying salinity preferences of the component species. This case study demonstrates the potential of fish eDNA metabarcoding as an educational and scientific tool to raise public awareness and perform large-scale citizen science initiatives encompassing regional, national, or global fauna.
citizen science, conservation, eDNA metabarcoding, education, fish biodiversity, outreach
Coastal marine regions constitute an interface between the vast open oceans and landmasses, encompassing various ecosystems – including rocky reefs, sandy shores, coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, and estuaries (
In marine fishes, more than 16,700 species are known worldwide, with an average of approximately 100–150 new species being described annually (
Environmental DNA (eDNA) – defined as extra-organismal DNA left behind by macroorganisms (
The simplicity of the protocol used to collect eDNA samples from aquatic environments (
A major purpose of this study was to test the feasibility of the eDNA metabarcoding approach as a biodiversity monitoring tool in a citizen science initiative at the regional level using a regular science education course at a public natural history museum. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we recruited only six groups of parents and children. These six groups collected and filtered seawater samples from diverse coastal habitats within a 40 km radius during their summer holidays. The fish eDNA metabarcoding of the six samples detected a diverse taxonomic range of fish, including 140 species across 66 families and 118 genera. Subsequent ecological analyses revealed distinct geographic structures of species richness and fish communities, demonstrating the potential of fish eDNA metabarcoding as an educational and citizen science tool.
All seawater sampling at the six sites was conducted in compliance with Japanese laws and regulations as well as local ones.
As part of the various outreach activities at the Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba, the present study recruited six pairs of parents and children on the website ( to collect eDNA samples from marine environments in Chiba and the surrounding prefectures. A seminar and a workshop were conducted on July 4, 2021, to provide an overview on eDNA studies and to secure high-quality eDNA samples. A sampling kit was distributed to each group during the workshop and its use was demonstrated. Moreover, examples of appropriate or inappropriate sites for water sampling in coastal areas were demonstrated, but no specific regions or locations were mentioned to the participants. Thus, they freely chose water sampling sites, depending on their personal preferences of residence and summer holiday locales. All relevant collection data are summarized in Suppl. material
For seawater collection, low-tech bucket sampling was utilized, comprising various small commercial buckets fastened to a rope (provided by the participants). Prior to seawater sampling, the participants wore disposable gloves on both hands and assembled a set of on-site filtration kits consisting of a Sterivex filter cartridge (pore size 0.45 µm; Merck Millipore, MA, USA) and a 50-ml disposable syringe with a Luer lock connector (TERUMO, Tokyo, Japan). Subsequently, they fixed the end of the rope fastened to the bucket and collected surface seawater by casting and retrieving the bucket filled with seawater.
The participants performed on-site filtration using the above kit (filter cartridge + syringe) to collect and concentrate the eDNA on the filter membrane inside the cartridge. They removed the filter cartridge from the syringe and drew approximately 50-ml of seawater into the syringe by pulling the plunger, reattaching the filter cartridge to the syringe, and pushing the plunger for filtration of the seawater. This step was repeated until the final filtration volume reached 1000 mL. When the filter was clogged before reaching 1000 mL filtration, the total volume of filtered seawater was recorded.
After on-site filtration, an outlet port of the filter cartridge was closed with a 3-mm diameter rubber cap (KOKUGO, Tokyo, Japan), filled with 1.6-mL RNAlater (Thermo Fisher Scientific, DE, USA) into the cartridge from an inlet port of the cartridge using a disposable capillary pipette (AS ONE, Tokyo, Japan) to prevent eDNA degradation, and an inlet port was closed with a screw cap (TERUMO, Tokyo, Japan) for preservation. They transported the filtered cartridges to their homes in a portable cooler with ice packs and kept them at 4 °C in their fridges prior to shipment. Subsequently, they returned the cartridges to the museum using a refrigerated courier, and the six cartridges were stored at –20 °C until eDNA extraction was performed.
For more details of the eDNA collection, see “Environmental DNA sampling and experiment manual Version 2.1 (
Details of the laboratory protocol can be found in the Suppl. materials
eDNA was extracted from the filter cartridges using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) following the methods developed by
This study employed two-step PCR for paired-end library preparation using the MiSeq platform (Illumina, CA, USA). In general, we followed the methods developed by
The 1st PCR was performed with eight technical replicates for the same eDNA template to minimize PCR dropouts. A 1st PCR blank (1B) was also prepared during this process, in addition to EB. After completing the 1st PCR, an equal volume of PCR products was pooled from each of the eight replicates, and the pooled products were purified, quantified, and diluted to 0.1 ng/µL using Milli Q water, and the diluted products were used as templates for the second round of PCR (2nd PCR). For the two blanks (EB, 1B), the 1st PCR products were purified in the same manner.
The 2nd PCR was performed to append dual-index sequences and flow cell binding sites for the MiSeq platform. A 2nd PCR blank (2B) was also prepared during this process, in addition to EB and 1B. The six PCR products as well as the three blank samples from the 2nd PCR products were pooled along with other samples from different projects. Subsequently, the pooled dual-indexed libraries were electrophoresed on an agarose gel, and the target amplicons (~370 bp) were excised. The concentration of the size-selected libraries was measured, diluted to 10.0 pM, and sequenced on the MiSeq platform using a MiSeq v2 Reagent Kit for 2 × 150 bp PE (Illumina, CA, USA) following the manufacturer’s protocol.
All raw DNA sequence data and associated information were deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank database and are available under accession number DRA012840.
Data preprocessing and analysis of raw MiSeq reads from the MiSeq run were performed using PMiFish ver. 2.4 (;
The ASVs were subjected to taxon assignments to species names (molecular operational taxonomic units; MOTUs) with a sequence identity of >98.5% with the reference sequences (two nucleotide differences allowed) and a query coverage of ≥90%. An incomplete reference database necessitates this clustering step, which enables the detection of multiple MOTUs for identical species names. Such multiple MOTUs were annotated with “gotu1, 2, 3…” and all of these outputs (MOTUs plus U98.5 MOTUs) were tabulated with read abundances. ASVs with sequence identities of <80% (saved as “no hit”) were excluded from the above taxon assignments and downstream analyses because all of them were found to be non-fish organisms. MiFish DB ver. 43 was used for taxon assignment, comprising 7973 species distributed across 464 families and 2675 genera.
To refine the above taxon assignments, family level phylogenies were reproduced from MiFish sequences from MOTUs and reference sequences (contained in the MiFish DB ver. 43) belonging to these families. For each family, representative sequences (most abundant reads) from MOTUs were assembled, all reference sequences were added from that family, and saved in FASTA format. The combined FASTA-formatted sequences were subjected to multiple alignments using MAFFT 7 (
A total of 67 family-level trees were visually inspected and taxon assignments were revised in the following manner. For those U98.5 MOTUs placed within a monophyletic group consisting of a single genus, the unidentified MOTUs were named after that genus, followed by “sp.” with sequential numbers (e.g., Pagrus sp. 1, sp. 2, sp. 3...). For the remaining MOTUs ambiguously placed in the family-level tree, the unidentified MOTUs were named after that family, followed by “sp.” with sequential numbers (e.g., Sparidae sp. 1, sp. 2, sp. 3...).
The final list of detected species can be found in Suppl. material
The differences in fish community structures were visualized using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) with 999 separate runs of real data. For NMDS, community dissimilarity was calculated based on incidence-based Jaccard indices, and NMDS stress was used to confirm the representation of NMDS ordination. The “metaMDS” function of “vegan” ver. 2.5.6 package (
To evaluate whether the detected fish communities reflected the marine environments of the six sampling sites (Fig.
A) the location of the survey area and schematic flow paths of the Kuroshio (red) and Oyashio (blue) currents; B) the location of the six survey sites (Sts. 1–6) in Boso and Miura peninsulas. Map data 2021 Apple Inc.
To evaluate the biogeographic characteristics of the detected fish communities from the six sampling sites, the center of the geographic distribution for each detected species was calculated by averaging the latitudes of the northern and southern limits in the Northern Hemisphere following
As a baseline dataset, a faunal inventory was compiled for coastal marine fish from the region including the survey areas based on multiple museum collections and literature surveys (Suppl. material
Six groups of parents and children were selected from 22 groups of applicants, such that their places of residence were scattered. Those six groups freely chose their sampling sites (Sts. 1–6 in Fig.
St. 1 is located at the southern end of Kujukuri Beach – a shallow, vast sandy beach with a total length of 66 km along the Pacific coast – and is strongly affected by the intrusion of the cold Oyashio water along the coastline (
Enlarged maps of the six survey sites (Sts. 1–6), their snapshots, and corresponding filtered cartridges. The participants took photos from Sts. 1, 3, 5, and 6 on the survey date (Suppl. material
Sts. 2–5 are located in the southern tips of the Boso and Miura peninsulas, and are greatly affected by the warm Kuroshio current flowing northward along the Pacific coast as well as its branches (
St. 6 is located at the mouth of the Hanami River, deep within Tokyo Bay (Figs
Based on the eDNA extracts, MiFish fragments were successfully amplified in the 1st PCR, with distinct, putatively fish bands being observed around ca. 310 bp (
Of the 6,135,092 reads, 531,306 were assigned to the six libraries, and the number of raw reads for each library ranged from 67,618 to 123,743, with an average of 88,551 reads. After merging two overlapping paired-end fastq files [654,497 reads (98.5%)], the primer-trimmed sequences were subjected to quality filtering to remove low-quality reads [650,461 reads (97.9%)]. The remaining reads were dereplicated for subsequent analysis and single to tripletons were removed from the unique sequences. Thereafter, the reads were denoised to remove putatively erroneous and chimeric sequences. The remaining 567,980 reads (85.5% of the raw reads) were subjected to taxon assignments after rarefaction to the minimum number of reads (67,681). Of these, 531,306 reads (93.5% of the denoised reads) were putatively considered fish sequences, while BLAST searches indicated that non-fish sequences [36,674 reads (6.5%)] primarily consisted of mammals (i.e., cows, pigs, and humans) and a few unknown sequences. The three negative controls (EB, 1 B, and 2 B) were subjected to the same analysis pipeline, whereby they did not yield any denoised reads.
Following the automatic taxon assignments, the family level NJ trees were visually inspected and the species names in the list were revised. The final list included 258 detections, assigned to 140 species across 66 families and 118 genera (Suppl. material
The number of species detected at the six sampling sites ranged from 14 (St. 1) to 66 (St. 5), with a mean of 43 (Suppl. material
Scatter plot of the numbers of fish species detected from the fish eDNA metabarcoding. The numbers were not corrected for the filtered volumes (1000 mL for Sts. 2–5 and 600 mL for Sts. 1, 2) and are plotted against latitudes. Orange, blue, and green dots represent the data from sandy-shore, rocky-shore, and inner-bay areas, respectively. Note that the rocky-shore areas are mostly located along the southern coastline, while sandy-shore and inner-bay areas are located in the northern coastlines of Boso Peninsula. Thus, the gradient of the species richness does not necessarily relate to latitudes.
Of the 140 detected species, only Blackhead Seabream (Acanthopagrus schlegelii) and Grass Puffer (Takifugu niphobles; putatively including few congeneric species owing to low interspecific genetic sequence variations;
Venn diagram of the number of detected species from sandy-shore, rocky-shore, and inner-bay areas. Total numbers of the detected species for each area are indicated within parentheses.
Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS) for fish communities detected in four sites along rocky-shore (Sts. 2–5, blue), sandy-shore (St. 1, green) and inner-bay (St. 6, orange) areas. NMDS stress ≈ 0.
As expected from the geographical locations of the sampling sites (Fig.
Proportions of the three categories of salinity preferences for detected fish species from each study site. Salinity-preference data were taken from FishBase (
The center of the geographic distribution of each component species was calculated from the average latitude of the northern and southern limits from literature records (Suppl. material
Box plots depicting variations in the center of geographic distribution for each detected species, calculated from an average of the latitudes of the southern and northern limits in the Northern hemisphere provided in
The six selected sites unexpectedly included diverse coastal habitats within a 40 km radius – from sandy and rocky shores along the Pacific coast to a highly urbanized area deep within Tokyo Bay – located at temperate latitudes in central Japan (around 35°N; Fig.
This diverse taxonomic range of fish species exhibits distinct spatial biodiversity patterns within the region. For example, north-south and urbanization gradients of species richness are apparent (Fig.
In addition to species richness, the composition of fish communities is geographically structured within this small region – those from rocky shores (Sts. 2–5, Fig.
Following the MiFish eDNA metabarcoding of the six samples and subsequent fish diversity and community analyses, a post-workshop event was conducted for the participants at our museum on September 19, 2021, to provide an overview of the results of the present surveys using PowerPoint slides. First, photos of the six filtered cartridges before eDNA extraction were shown and the differences in colors that reflect the turbidity of the seawater were compared (Fig.
This study demonstrated that the simplicity of the protocol for eDNA sampling allows citizen scientists (six groups of parents and children) to collect high-quality eDNA from coastal marine environments. Despite the limited sample size due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, eDNA metabarcoding from the six samples detected a diverse taxonomic range of 140 fish species across 66 families and 118 genera. The number of fish species represents only a small fraction of the entire regional fauna (948 species across 158 families and 493 genera; Suppl. material
Thus, this case study shows the potential of fish eDNA metabarcoding as an educational tool to raise public awareness and deepen the understanding of fish biodiversity. This case study also highlights fish eDNA metabarcoding as a future scientific tool to perform large-scale citizen science initiatives covering the regional, national, or global fauna, if the sampling sites are properly selected, and citizen engagement is large enough (
This study would not have been possible without securing high-quality eDNA from unexpectedly diverse coastal habitats in the region. We sincerely thank members of the six families who successfully performed seawater sampling and onsite filtration at those sites during their summer holidays. Hiroshi Senou and Tomoyuki Komai assisted in obtaining the relevant literature. We also appreciate constructive criticisms and helpful comments from Mark Y. Stoeckle and Ana Filipa Filipe to greatly improve the manuscript. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H03291 and MEXT OGAP Project Grant Number JPMXD0618068274.
Table S1
Data type: excel file
Explanation note: eDNA sampling data for the six survey sites.
Table S2
Data type: excel file
Explanation note: List of species detected from MiFish eDNA metabarcoding with raw-read numbers.
Table S3
Data type: excel file
Explanation note:The center of the geographic distribution of each component species calculated from the average latitude of the northern and southern limits from literature records (
Table S4
Data type: excel file
Explanation note: A faunal inventory of the coastal marine fishes of Chiba prefecture compiled from museum collections and literature surveys. Museum acronyms are Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba (
Supplementary methods
Data type: pdf file
Explanation note: Collection of eDNA samples. eDNA extraction. Paired-end library preparation and sequencing. Data preprocessing and taxonomic assignment. Fish community analysis. Compilation of a faunal inventory.