Corresponding author: Katie A. Brasell ( ) Academic editor: Chloe Robinson
© 2022 Katie A. Brasell, Xavier Pochon, Jamie Howarth, John K. Pearman, Anastasija Zaiko, Lucy Thompson, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Kevin S. Simon, Susanna A. Wood.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Brasell KA, Pochon X, Howarth J, Pearman JK, Zaiko A, Thompson L, Vandergoes MJ, Simon KS, Wood SA (2022) Shifts in DNA yield and biological community composition in stored sediment: implications for paleogenomic studies. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 6: e78128.
Lake sediments hold a wealth of information from past environments that is highly valuable for paleolimnological reconstructions. These studies increasingly apply modern molecular tools targeting sedimentary DNA (sedDNA). However, sediment core sampling can be logistically difficult, making immediate subsampling for sedDNA challenging. Sediment cores are often refrigerated (4 °C) for weeks or months before subsampling. We investigated the impact of storage time on changes in DNA (purified or as cell lysate) concentrations and shifts in biological communities following storage of lake surface sediment at 4 °C for up to 24 weeks. Sediment samples (~ 0.22 g, in triplicate per time point) were spiked with purified DNA (100 or 200 ng) or lysate from a brackish water cyanobacterium that produces the cyanotoxin nodularin or non-spiked. Samples were analysed every 1–4 weeks over a 24-week period. Droplet digital PCR showed no significant decrease in the target gene (nodularin synthetase – subunit F; ndaF) over the 24-week period for samples spiked with purified DNA, while copy number decreased by more than half in cell lysate-spiked samples. There was significant change over time in bacteria and eukaryotic community composition assessed using metabarcoding. Amongst bacteria, the cyanobacterial signal became negligible after 5 weeks while Proteobacteria increased. In the eukaryotic community, Cercozoa became dominant after 6 weeks. These data demonstrate that DNA yields and community composition data shift significantly when sediments are stored chilled for more than 5 weeks. This highlights the need for rapid subsampling and appropriate storage of sediment core samples for paleogenomic studies.
chilled storage, droplet digital PCR, extracellular DNA, metabarcoding, sedimentary DNA (sedDNA)
Molecular techniques, in particular metabarcoding, are increasingly being used to monitor biological communities and assess ecological conditions in aquatic environments (
Robust molecular analysis in paleogenomics relies on high quality sedDNA. Stability of sedDNA is dependent on multiple factors, including temperature, light and chemical bonding to sediment particles (
Ideally, subsampling of sediment cores and freezing of samples should be undertaken immediately following fieldwork. However, sediment core sampling can be logistically difficult, especially in remote locations, making immediate subsampling for sedDNA challenging. There are an increasing number of large-scale projects collecting sediment cores from hundreds of lakes, such as Lake Pulse (Canada; and Lakes380 (New Zealand;, which operate in remote locations and make immediate subsampling impossible. Given the high sensitivity of molecular methods, extreme care is also needed during the subsampling stage to ensure there is no contamination. It is strongly recommended that subsampling is undertaken in a dedicated laboratory and not in the field (
Numerous studies describe the effects of various in situ environmental factors on environmental DNA isolation (
Bacteria can degrade and recycle extracellular DNA in marine sediments via extracellular nucleases (
Our aim was to determine the effects of chilled storage on DNA yield and compositional shifts of bacterial and eukaryotic communities in lake sediment samples. Due to the need for replication and the multiple treatments tested, it was not possible to test samples from multiple layers within a sediment core. As such, surface lake sediments (top 1 cm) were selected for this study. Surface samples contain a mixture of live organisms, as well as extra- and intracellular DNA (
In our study, sediment samples were collected from a eutrophic lake and subsamples were artificially spiked with either purified DNA (100 or 200 ng) or lysate from a brackish water cyanobacteria (Nodularia spumigina) or not spiked. We chose to spike with Nodularia spumigina DNA as it would not be found in these samples and this species produces the cyanotoxin nodularin. The enzyme cluster responsible for nodularin synthesis has been characterised (
Lake Pounui is a small (46 ha), shallow (max. depth 9.6 m), lowland coastal lake situated 14 m above sea level, 30 km northeast of Wellington, New Zealand (41°20'34"S, 175°6'48"E). Lake Pounui’s catchment (627 ha) reaches an elevation of 470 m in the foot hills of the Rimutaka Ranges and is covered by unmodified indigenous beech-podocarp forest (96%), with the remainder in pastoral land cover (
Triplicate ponar grab samples were taken at a central point in the Lake. Using a sterile spatula, the top 1 cm of the undisturbed surface sediment layer of each grab was placed in separate sterile 400 ml containers and transported chilled to the laboratory. Samples were stored chilled for two days and then processed. The samples were homogenised by gentle hand shaking and 53 aliquots (ca. 0.22 g) from each container were transferred into pre-weighed microtubes (1.7 ml; Qiagen) with a 1000 µl mechanical pipette set to 200 µl and using a sterile wide bore pipette tip (step 1 in Fig.
Schematic diagram of the experimental set up and analytical process used in this study, broken down into six steps. 1) Aliquoting of three independent surface sediment grabs, 2) Addition of DNA treatments, 3) Chilling samples in sets of 3 reps × 13 time points (or 14 time points for control samples, which include a time 0 control), 4) The storage phase where triplicates of each treatment are removed from fridge at specific intervals and frozen for later analysis, 5) DNA extraction of all treatments including controls, using a QiaCube (QIAGEN, Germany), 6) DNA amplification of N. spumigina-spiked treatments and a specific investigation of Microcystis abundance via droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and metabarcoding of the non-spiked control samples for assessing community structure.
DNA and cell lysate from the brackish-water cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigina were used for the experiment as this species is not present in Lake Pounui. Three spiking treatments were used: 100 ng and 200 ng of DNA extract and 10 µl cell lysate (step 2 in Fig.
To obtain extracellular DNA (exDNA) for spiking, DNA was extracted from a non-axenic culture of N. spumigina (CAWBG21; Cultured material (1 ml) was siphoned off into three microtubes and centrifuged (10 mins, 3,000 × g). The remaining liquid media was decanted and the cells transferred into six bead tubes of a DNEasy PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit (QIAGEN, USA). DNA extraction was automated using a QIAcube (QIAGEN, USA), with DNA eluted in 100 µl volumes. DNA extracts were pooled and quantified with a NanoPhotometer NP80 (Implen GmbH, Munich, Germany) to calculate the required volume for spiking to achieve concentrations of 100 ng/µl (low concentration spike) and 200 ng/µl (high concentration spike). To obtain cell lysate for spiking, 10 ml of N. spumigina (CAWBG21) culture with liquid media was sonicated (30 secs) and filtered (3 µm; filter type/brand/brand) to remove excess non-DNA cellular contents.
For each treatment, 13 sediment aliquots were spiked in triplicate (step 3 in Fig.
Each step of the molecular analysis, including DNA extraction, PCR set-up, template addition, PCR amplification, amplicon purification and quantification, was conducted at the Cawthron Institute (Nelson, New Zealand) in separate sterile rooms dedicated to that step, with sequential workflow to prevent cross-contamination. Rooms dedicated to DNA extraction, PCR set-up and template addition were sterilised with ultra-violet light for a minimum of 15 mins before and after each use. The PCR set-up and template addition were undertaken in laminar flow cabinets with HEPA filtration. Aerosol barrier tips (Eppendorf, Germany) were used throughout.
The sediment from each time point (n = 53) was transferred from microtubes into bead tubes of a DNEasy PowerSoil DNA Isolation Kit (QIAGEN, USA) using a pipette and the bead tube liquid to assist collection of sediment from the microtubes. DNA was then extracted using a QIAcube (QIAGEN, USA), with DNA eluted in 100 µl volumes (step 5 in Fig.
The genus Nodularia is the only known producer of the hepatotoxin nodularin, which is produced via the nodularin synthetase enzyme complex (
To characterise the bacterial prokaryote and eukaryote composition over the 24 weeks of storage, the V3-V4 regions of the prokaryote 16S rRNA gene and the V4 region of the eukaryote 18S rRNA gene were amplified by PCR, using the prokaryote-specific primers 341F: 5’-CCT ACG GGN GGC WGC AG-3’ and 805R: 5’-GAC TAC HVG GGT ATC TAA TCC-3 (
Bioinformatic pipelines for both the 16S and 18S rRNA genes were identical unless otherwise stated. Primers were removed from the raw reads using cutadapt with one mismatch allowed (
The resulting Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) were used for taxonomic classification against the SILVA 138 (
To investigate abundances of the cyanobacterial genus Microcystis in the non-spiked samples, a ddPCR assay, targeting the 16S rRNA gene, was used. Absolute concentrations of the 16S rRNA gene were measured in all samples using a BioRad QX200 ddPCR system, Cyanobacteria-specific primers (MICR-184 forward primer, 5′- GCC GCR AGG TGA AAM CTA A-3′; MICR-431 reverse primer, 5′- AAT CCA AAR ACC TTC CTC CC-3′;
Statistical analysis of the data was undertaken within R (
Community diversity and composition analyses were conducted for both bacteria (16S rRNA) and eukaryote (18S rRNA) metabarcoding datasets from the non-spiked samples. Observed ASV richness, Shannon and Simpson Indices were considered and linear regressions were used to assess the relationship between each diversity measure and storage time (weeks). Bray-Curtis dissimilarities of individual samples were compared using Principal Components Analysis (PCoA), plotted using the plot_ordination function within the phyloseq package in R (
Copy numbers of the ndaF gene did not increase or decline over the 24 weeks of storage for the 100 ng and 200 ng spiked treatments (R2 = 0.067, p = 0.11 and R2 = 0.058, p = 0.13, Fig.
Linear regression between concentration (copies per g of wet weight) and storage time for the ndaF gene. Surface sediment samples were spiked with 100 ng (a) or 200 ng (b) of DNA or cell lysate (c). Samples were stored chilled (4 °C) in the dark and sampled at weekly to bi-weekly intervals and assessed using droplet digital PCR over a 24-week period.
A total of 17,548 ASVs were reduced to 13,096 ASVs (ranging from 1,987–2,569 ASVs across 37 samples) after quality control, taxonomic filtering and rarefaction. Unassigned sequences at phylum level were retained and comprised 4.1% of remaining ASVs. Over the 24-week period, mean observed bacterial richness decreased from 2,364 (SD = 73.1, SE = 42.2, n = 3) to 2,081 (SD = 62, SE = 35.8, n = 3). There was a weak negative relationship between observed richness and sampling time (R2 = 0.23, p = 0.0025, Suppl. material
Bacterial phyla comprising > 10% of retained sequences (summed across replicates) were Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobiota, Bacteroidota (Fig.
Bacterial phyla (relative abundance of 16S rRNA gene sequences, summed across replicates, n = 3) of non-spiked samples over 24 weeks of chilled (4 °C, dark) storage determined using metabarcoding. Sequences were rarefied to 13,000 reads. The 15 most abundant phyla are shown with the remainder grouped as ‘Other’.
Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) of bacterial 16S rRNA gene (a) and eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene (b) metabarcoding data using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coloured by storage time (weeks).
Microcystis 16S rRNA gene copies declined in a non-linear fashion over time (R2 = 0.78, p < 0.001; Fig.
Linear regression of eukaryote taxa in non-spiked samples did not show any relationship between observed richness and time, but there was a very weak positive relationship when using Shannon and Simpson Indices (R2 = 0.2, p = 0.0053 and R2 = 0.22, p = 0.0033, respectively, Suppl. material
A total of 3,462 ASVs decreased to 2,736 ASVs (ranging from 108–369 ASVs across 37 samples) following quality control, taxonomic filtering and rarefaction. Unassigned sequences at phylum level were retained and comprised 13.4% of remaining ASVs. Eukaryote phyla comprising > 20% of retained sequences (summed across replicates) were Annelida, Arthropoda, Cercozoa and Dinoflagellata (Fig.
Eukaryote phyla (relative abundance of 18S rRNA gene sequences, summed across replicates, n = 3) of non-spiked samples over 24 weeks of chilled (4 °C, dark) storage determined using metabarcoding. Sequences were rarefied to 8,000 reads. The 15 most abundant phyla are shown with the remainder grouped as ‘Other’.
Freezing samples for preservation until analysis is ideal for maintaining sedDNA integrity. However, freezing whole sediment cores can be logistically challenging, makes subsampling difficult and can compromise core stratigraphy. Chilled storage of sediments is a simple and cost-effective way to maintain samples at conditions similar to their source environment. However, at temperatures above freezing, biological activity can continue. Understanding how long-term chilled storage affects the concentration and composition of sedDNA is important to aid in the interpretation of paleogenomic data. As evidenced by our study, chilled sediment stored for more than 5 weeks has implications for DNA yields and community composition.
We found differential effects of chilled storage on DNA yields from sediments artificially spiked with purified DNA and DNA from freshly lysed cells. Consistent with our first hypothesis, we observed no change to DNA yields for purified DNA when spiked at either 100 or 200 ng per sample during the 24 weeks of storage. Similar results have been found in previous studies with little change observed in recovered environmental DNA (eDNA) from soil samples stored for 14 days (
Consistent with our second hypothesis, yields of DNA from freshly lysed cells declined steadily across the 24 weeks, with concentrations reducing 87% over the experiment. Compared to the purified DNA-spiked samples, higher starting volumes of DNA in the lysate-spiked samples may have led to an overabundance of DNA versus sediment binding sites. Additionally, cell lysate also contains cellular nucleases that may contribute to DNA degradation before some molecules become sediment bound. Bacteria surviving in chilled sediments can also produce or take advantage of nucleases in the sediment matrix, allowing them to feed on depurinated DNA and subsequent degradation products (
Biological communities, detected in sediment samples, can be a combination of living cells, dormant cells and extracellular DNA (Taberlet et al. 2012). Some bacterial and eukaryotic microorganisms can survive in low energy, anoxic conditions and proliferate by feeding on each other or nutrient compounds in the sediment matrix (
However, there were several exceptions to this pattern with the most notable being the cyanobacterial genus Microcystis; a bloom-forming microorganism able to produce potent hepatotoxins (
Gammaproteobacteria were the dominant class of proteobacterial phyla throughout the experiment, with the order Xanthomonadales notably increasing in abundance after week 12. Similar patterns of increased Gammaproteobacteria abundance were found in experimental liquid microcosms (
Amongst the eukaryote data, there were several other notable patterns including variable numbers of Annelida sequences. As larger organisms, they are likely to have a patchier distribution and it is probable they were living in the sediment samples at the time of collection. Given that there were no discernible trends, we speculate that uneven numbers of them were contained in the sediment during the subsampling process. Calanoida, commonly found as zooplankton, were the predominant order of arthropod detected in most samples and their abundance was also uneven. It is unlikely these arthropods were alive in the sediment samples; therefore, most of the DNA we detected was likely extracellular. The patchy nature of these organisms highlights the need for larger sediment samples when working with larger organisms for precise biodiversity characterisation.
Considering the clear changes in bacterial and eukaryotic community compositions observed in this study, we recommend subsampling and freezing sediment core samples, particularly those near the surface where microbes may be more active, within 2–4 weeks of collection and chilled storage. Immediate freezing of subsamples within 1–2 weeks is recommended for studies where low abundance or rare taxa are important and for assessments of microorganisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria and phytoplankton). Time-frames for broad-scale community structure assessments may still be possible up to 5 weeks after sampling with chilled storage.
Our analysis of surface sediment is relevant for deeper core deposits as these surface processes (such as DNA binding, degradation or consumption) are part of the wider burial process. However, the small (0.22 g) samples were stored in isolation rather than as whole core samples and may not be affected by processes occurring in a larger sediment matrix, such as microbial recruitment from the adjacent sediment. Our interpretation is limited to lakes of similar trophic level and sediment type. The interplay of sediment binding sites and lower algal productivity in oligotrophic lakes may produce differing scenarios and further studies are required.
In conclusion, we showed that sedDNA inventories are affected by long-term chilled storage (up to 6 months), with the potential loss of DNA yield and changes in microbial community composition. Considering the reduction of cyanobacteria and concurrent increase in cercozoan taxa, we suggest that protist grazing activity can continue in chilled storage conditions and strongly recommend prompt subsampling and freezing of sediment cores for paleogenomic studies.
This research was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment research programme - Our lakes’ health: past, present, future (C05X1707). KAB is supported by a University of Auckland PhD scholarship.
The authors declare there are no competing interests.
Raw sequence reads are deposited in the NCBI short read archive under accession number PRJNA780583.
The authors thank Sean Waters (Cawthron Institute) for field assistance. Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and the landowners are acknowledged for their support of this project.