Research Article |
Corresponding author: Till-Hendrik Macher ( ) Academic editor: Pieter Boets
© 2021 Till-Hendrik Macher, Robin Schütz, Jens Arle, Arne J. Beermann, Jan Koschorreck, Florian Leese.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Macher T-H, Schütz R, Arle J, Beermann AJ, Koschorreck J, Leese F (2021) Beyond fish eDNA metabarcoding: Field replicates disproportionately improve the detection of stream associated vertebrate species. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: e66557.
Fast, reliable, and comprehensive biodiversity monitoring data are needed for environmental decision making and management. Recent work on fish environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding shows that aquatic diversity can be captured fast, reliably, and non-invasively at moderate costs. Because water in a catchment flows to the lowest point in the landscape, often a stream, it can collect traces of terrestrial species via surface or subsurface runoff along its way or when specimens come into direct contact with water (e.g., when drinking). Thus, fish eDNA metabarcoding data can provide information on fish but also on other vertebrate species that live in riparian habitats. This additional data may offer a much more comprehensive approach for assessing vertebrate diversity at no additional costs. Studies on how the sampling strategy affects species detection especially of stream-associated communities, however, are scarce. We therefore performed an analysis on the effects of biological replication on both fish as well as (semi-)terrestrial species detection. Along a 2 km stretch of the river Mulde (Germany), we collected 18 1-L water samples and analyzed the relation of detected species richness and quantity of biological replicates taken. We detected 58 vertebrate species, of which 25 were fish and lamprey, 18 mammals, and 15 birds, which account for 50%, 22.2%, and 7.4% of all native species to the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. However, while increasing the number of biological replicates resulted in only 24.8% more detected fish and lamprey species, mammal, and bird species richness increased disproportionately by 68.9% and 77.3%, respectively. Contrary, PCR replicates showed little stochasticity. We thus emphasize to increase the number of biological replicates when the aim is to improve general species detections. This holds especially true when the focus is on rare aquatic taxa or on (semi-)terrestrial species, the so-called ‘bycatch’. As a clear advantage, this information can be obtained without any additional sampling or laboratory effort when the sampling strategy is chosen carefully. With the increased use of eDNA metabarcoding as part of national fish bioassessment and monitoring programs, the complimentary information provided on bycatch can be used for biodiversity monitoring and conservation on a much broader scale.
biomonitoring, birds, bycatch, conservation, environmental DNA, mammals
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is a powerful and nowadays frequently applied method to assess and monitor fish biodiversity in streams (
In view of global biodiversity loss and the demand for highly resolved spatio-temporal data, eDNA metabarcoding has an additional, so far less explored potential: While fish species are primary targets, eDNA monitoring data can also provide reliable information on many other taxa either living in or in the vicinity of water bodies such as mammals (
Overview of a freshwater associated vertebrate community including some of the detected species. The OTU richness among the classes of birds, mammals and fish/lamprey found in this study are illustrated in pie charts.
While the perception of water bodies as ‘sinks’ or ‘conveyor belts’ (sensu
Therefore, we performed an eDNA metabarcoding survey using universal fish primers on water samples collected from the German river Mulde to assess the fish and stream associated vertebrate (bycatch) community. Our aims were i) to test the effect of biological sample replication on the detected fish species richness, and ii) to investigate the detection rate of usually discarded bycatch vertebrate species.
The sampling site was located at the Mulde weir in Dessau (Germany, 51°49’56.2”N, 12°15’05.1”E). The river Mulde is a tributary of the Elbe system with an average effluent at the sampling site of 62.7 m³/s in April (2012–2018; FIS FGG Elbe). From the complete stream system up to 34 fish species are reported (
We collected 18 water samples on a single day in April 2019 over a stretch of 2 km: 4 samples each were collected 1 km upstream of the weir (location S1), directly upstream (S2) and directly downstream of the fish ladder (S3), and 1 km downstream of the weir (S4). Additionally, two samples were taken directly in the fish ladder itself (S4). For each sample, 1 L of water was collected from the surface in a sterile plastic bottle. To prevent cross-contamination, sterile laboratory gloves were changed between samples. All water samples were filtered on site to avoid contamination and ease the transportation. Open MCE (mixed cellulose ester membrane) filters with a 0.45 µm pore size (diameter 47 mm, Nalgene) were used for the filtration. The filters were handled with sterile forceps (previously bleached with 4%–5% sodium hypochlorite, rinsed with distilled water afterward) and gloves. Both forceps and gloves were changed between each sample. An electric vacuum pump, a disposable funnel filter, and a filter flask were installed for filtering the water. Both the funnel filter and filter flask were used for all samples, since they do not come in contact with the filter membrane. As field blanks, a total of two blank filters were placed on the filter flask, the pump was switched on and the filters were exposed to air for 20 seconds. The filters were transferred to 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes filled with 96% ethanol, kept at 4 °C during transport and overnight, and then stored at -20 °C until DNA extraction.
All laboratory steps were conducted under sterile conditions in a dedicated sterile laboratory (UV light, sterile benches, overalls, gloves, and face masks). The filters were dried separately in sterile petri dishes and covered with aluminum foil overnight. Afterwards the filters were torn into pieces using sterile forceps and transferred into new 1.5 mL Eppendorf tubes. Subsequently, filters were eluted in 600 µL TNES-Buffer with 10 µL Proteinase K (300 U/mL, 7BioScience, Neuenburg am Rhein, Germany) and incubated at 55 °C and 1000 rpm for three hours on an Eppendorf ThermoMixer C (Eppendorf AG, Hamburg, Germany). DNA was extracted from the filters following an adapted salt precipitation protocol (
A two-step PCR approach was applied for amplifying the extracted DNA. In the first PCR, the vertebrate tele02 primers (
Raw reads for both libraries were received as demultiplexed fastq files. The quality of the raw reads was checked using FastQC (
Both, the taxonomy and read table file were converted to the TaXon table format (Suppl. material
The raw data were deposited at the European Nucleotide Archive ( under the accession number PRJEB45400. We obtained 9,906,197 raw reads with 1,193,233 reads assigned to negative controls. After final quality filtering 7,520,725 reads remained (1,646 reads in negative controls), which were clustered into 474 OTUs (97% similarity). The sum of the reads in negative controls after clustering and remapping was 1,376. After the > 0.01% threshold filtering of the read table, 99.7% of reads and 153 OTUs remained of which we could assign 147 taxonomically. In five cases where the marker resolution was too low to distinguish between species, taxonomic annotation was manually edited to retain both possible species names. Therefore, we conservatively counted those cases as one entry in the species list since at least one was present (i.e., Pipistrellus pipistrellus / P. pygmaeus, Blicca bjoerkna / Vimba vimba, Carassius auratus / C. carassius, Leuciscus aspius / Alburnus alburnus). OTU 17 was automatically assigned only to genus level due to two 100% similarity database sequences representing two different species, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), and the American eel (Anguilla rostrata). Since the European eel is the only representative of its genus in Europe, we assigned the OTU manually to Anguilla anguilla. Furthermore, we assigned OTU 10 to the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) after manually investigating the taxonomic assignment results. Due to various reference sequences of mallard breeds and one common shelduck breed (Tadorna tadorna), the automatic assignment was unable to find a consensus and thus reduced the taxonomic resolution to Anatidae level.
Three OTUs were assigned to Proteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Bacteroidetes and removed for downstream analyses. The majority of reads in negative controls (1371) were found in one field negative control and were mostly assigned to Sus scrofa. Thus, the Sus scrofa OTU was excluded from the dataset. After merging replicates (OTUs that were not present in both replicates were discarded) and subtraction of reads in negative controls, 137 vertebrate OTUs remained, 64 of which could be assigned to species level (Suppl. material
List of detected fish/lamprey species. The IUCN status (LC = least concern, NT = near threatened, VU = vulnerable, EN = endangered, CR = critically endangered, DD = data deficient) and protection status of Saxony-Anhalt (S-A) are presented. Non-native species are marked with an asterisk.
Species name | Common name | IUCN | S-A |
Abramis brama | Common bream | LC | |
Anguilla anguilla | European eel | CR | NT |
Barbatula barbatula | Stone loach | LC | |
Barbus barbus | Common barbel | LC | EN |
Blicca bjoerkna/Vimba vimba | White bream/bream | LC | /CR |
Carassius auratus/carassius | Goldfish/Crucian carp | LC | */VU |
Cobitis taenia | Spined loach | LC | |
Ctenopharyngodon idella | Gras carp | * | |
Cyprinus carpio | Common carp | VU | |
Esox lucius | Northern pike | LC | |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Three-spined stickleback | LC | |
Gobio gobio | Gudgeon | LC | |
Gymnocephalus cernua | Eurasian ruffe | LC | |
Hypophthalamichthys nobilis/molitrix | Bighead carp/silver carp | */* | |
Lampetra fluviatilis | European river lamprey | LC | VU |
Leuciscus aspius/Alburnus alburnus | Asp/Common bleak | LC | |
Leuciscus leuciscus | Common dace | LC | |
Lota lota | Burbot | LC | VU |
Perca fluviatilis | Common perch | LC | |
Rhodeus sericeus | European bitterling | LC | |
Rutilus rutilus | Roach | LC | |
Sander lucioperca | Pikeperch | LC | |
Silurus glanis | Wels catfish | LC | |
Tinca tinca | Tench | LC | |
Vimba melanops | Macedonian vimba | DD |
List of detected mammal species. The IUCN status (LC = least concern, NT = near threatened, VU = vulnerable, EN = endangered, CR = critically endangered, DD = data deficient) and protection status of Saxony-Anhalt (S-A) are presented. Non-native species are marked with an asterisk.
Species name | Common name | IUCN | S-A |
Apodemus agrarius | Striped field mouse | LC | NT |
Apodemus flavicollis | Yellow-necked mouse | LC | NT |
Arvicola amphibius | European water vole | LC | |
Bos taurus | Cattle | ||
Canis lupus | Wolf/domestic dog | LC | CR/ |
Capreolus capreolus | European roe deer | LC | |
Castor fiber | Eurasian beaver | LC | VU |
Cervus elaphus | Red deer | LC | |
Homo sapiens | Human | ||
Martes foina | Beech marten | LC | |
Micromys minutus | Harvest mouse | LC | EN |
Microtus agrestis | Field vole | LC | |
Myodes glareolus | Bank vole | LC | |
Myotis daubentonii | Daubenton’s bat | LC | VU |
Ondatra zibethicus | Musk rat | LC | * |
Procyon lotor | Raccoon | LC | * |
Rattus norvegicus | Brown rat | LC |
List of detected bird species. The IUCN status and protection status (LC = least concern, NT = near threatened, VU = vulnerable, EN = endangered, CR = critically endangered, DD = data deficient) of Saxony-Anhalt (S-A) are presented. Non-native species are marked with an asterisk.
Species name | Common name | IUCN | S-A |
Accipiter nisus | Eurasian sparrowhawk | LC | |
Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard | LC | |
Anser anser | Grey goose | LC | |
Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Hawfinch | LC | |
Columba palumbus | Common wood pidgeon | LC | |
Cygnus olor | Mute swan | LC | |
Emberiza leucocephalos | Pine bunting | LC | * |
Emberiza siemsseni | Slaty bunting | LC | * |
Gallinula chloropus | Common moorhen | LC | |
Gallus gallus | Domestic chicken | ||
Garrulus glandarius | Eurasian jay | LC | |
Grus grus | Common crane | LC | |
Phasianus colchicus | Common pheasant | LC | * |
Prunella modularis | Dunnock | LC | |
Sylvia atricapilla | Eurasian blackcap | LC |
A) Percentage of reads assigned to the classes of Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish), Aves (birds), Hyperoartia (lampreys), and Mammalia (mammals). B) Number of OTUs assigned to the four classes. The number of assigned species is shown above the respective plot.
No consistent differences in the community composition between the field replicates along the 2 km stretch were found based on the NMDS results (dimensions=3; stress=0.75). Thus, we treated all samples as individual field replicates. To evaluate the effect of sampling effort on the detected species richness, we separately ran rarefaction and extrapolation analyses for fish/lamprey, mammals and birds (Figure
Rarefaction (solid lines) and extrapolation (dashed) curves of the detected species richness of fish/lamprey (blue), mammals (green) and birds (red). The number of observed species is indicated by a dot. The respective bootstrap lower and upper confidence limits for the diversity are represented by shaded areas. Samples were randomly drawn 1000 times for each group to account for stochasticity.
Using eDNA metabarcoding, we successfully detected 25 fish species known to occur in the river Mulde and, further, even 50% of all fish species native to Saxony-Anhalt. Most fish species belonged to the order of Cypriniformes (66% of all species), which was expected since they are the dominant group in Central European rivers (
However, not all OTUs were successfully assigned to species level. We found multiple taxa where the 12S marker resolution was too low to distinguish between species and instead two species with identical similarity score were assigned. We manually checked these cases and found several OTUs for which both potential species were reported from the Mulde. For these ambiguous taxonomies we chose a strict approach and counted those cases as one entry. For example, we found the crucian carp and goldfish (Carassius carassius and C. auratus), where the crucian carp is the ancestry species of the domestic goldfish (
While most studies discard all non-target sequences (e.g.,
We found no effect of sampling distance on fish species detection. Thus, although samples were collected at five distinct locations of the river Mulde, the 18 collected samples can be considered as individual field replicates rather than 2–4 specific replicates of 5 sites. The lack of a spatial signal is, on the one hand, not unexpected considering that sampling sites were max. 2 km apart, which is well in the range of reported transport distances of eDNA (
Generally, the probability of detecting target DNA when present, i.e., the sensitivity of a method, depends on the concentration and dispersion of target DNA molecules at a site, the sampling design, and the laboratory workflow (
While often left aside in studies that focus only on fish biomonitoring, the relevance of detected non-fish bycatch species can be high. This holds true in particular for endangered or protected species that are often difficult to monitor and rely on sighting reports or intensive survey campaigns. Additionally, early reports of invasive species occurrence can also trigger timely management options. For the target taxa, i.e., fish, six of the 25 detected fish/lamprey species are listed as near threatened (European eel), vulnerable (crucian carp, European river lamprey, and burbot), endangered (common barbel), and critically endangered (vimba bream) in the German federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. In the bycatch eDNA data, however, our results detected several mammal species that are classified as protected in Saxony-Anhalt, such as the striped field mouse and yellow-necked mouse (both near threatened), the European beaver and the Daubenton’s bat (both vulnerable), the Eurasian harvest mouse (endangered), and possibly the wolf (critically endangered). Although we were able to detect these endangered species, our findings only provide small insights into the whole vertebrate community, since this study was limited in terms of time coverage (one sampling event) and spatial coverage (2 km stretch of one river). The rarefaction analysis results predicted the detection of more mammal and bird species if more samples were collected. However, it is expected that advances in the standardization and operation of fish eDNA metabarcoding will lead to a higher rate of application in research and regulatory monitoring campaigns in the future. This goes in hand with an increasing amount of available bycatch data that can be analyzed and utilized. With hundreds or thousands of eDNA water samples that are potentially collected each year in countries that apply a nationwide routine monitoring, the coverage of water bodies and different habitats will automatically increase. This opens access to obtain highly resolved spatial and temporal data not only on fish distributions, but also detection patterns of bycatch species. The obtained data could be directly collected in online biodiversity databases and used for more comprehensive insights into vertebrate species occurrence and distribution. The additionally acquired data would then also be available for conservation planning and management and could help to increase the extent and accuracy of regional red lists and lead to a better intercalibration with the international red list. This accounts particularly for conservation monitoring under the EU Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC, 2009), the “EU Regulation 1143/2014 on Invasive Alien Species” or the EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC, 1992), where data is generally hard to obtain and striking deficits in the monitoring coverage are known. For example, data on distribution and population sizes of the bird fauna is available in great detail, but observations are often conducted on a non-standardized, voluntary basis. For mammals, however, routine monitoring campaigns are even more scarce, since they are costly and time consuming. Here, the fish eDNA metabarcoding data could provide a notable increase of data points that can be sampled and analyzed under standardized conditions and can be evaluated by experts. The potential of obtaining new, additional information on terrestrial species, in particular elusive, rare or protected species without additional costs is immense and may also stimulate major international conservation initiatives currently developed in the context of the post-2020 CBD-framework.
Nevertheless, the reports of non-target species from fish eDNA metabarcoding have to be interpreted with particular caution. Environmental DNA metabarcoding comes with several challenges that can lead to both false negative and false positive identifications (
We also detected species that are generally unlikely to inhabit the catchment and thus likely represent a false-positive result. Here, potential sources are that the marker resolution is too low to distinguish species, the detected eDNA was already degraded, or the reference sequences are incorrectly labeled. But also, introduction of eDNA via effluents from sewage plants or other influxes can falsify the picture of the species distribution (
Our results show that not only target fish but also bycatch species (i.e., birds, mammals) can be assessed reliably using fish eDNA metabarcoding. While the analysis of only few 1-L samples already delivered consistent estimates on fish species richness, the detected richness of non-target bycatch species steadily increased with the number of samples analyzed due to the lower concentration of eDNA molecules of these in the water. In total, we detected a notable 50% of fish species, 22.2% of mammal species, and 7.4% of breeding bird species native to Saxony-Anhalt by sampling a single site at a single day only. In typical fish eDNA metabarcoding assessments, these bycatch data are typically left aside, yet, from a viewpoint of biodiversity monitoring they hold immense potential to inform about the presence of also (semi-)terrestrial species in the catchment. Unlocking these data from the increasingly available fish eDNA metabarcoding information enables synergies among terrestrial and aquatic biomonitoring programs, adding further important information on species diversity in space and time. We thus encourage to exploit fish eDNA metabarcoding biomonitoring data to inform other conservation programs. For that purpose, however, it is essential that eDNA data is jointly stored and accessible for different biomonitoring and biodiversity assessment campaigns, either at state, federal, or international level.
We thank members of the Leese lab for comments and feedback on the study. We thank Falko Wagner (IGF Jena) for supporting the sample collection and discussions on the topic. This study was conducted as part of the GeDNA project, funded by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, FKZ 3719 24 2040).
Table S1. BLAST taxonomy table
Data type: BLAST taxonomy table
Table S2. Raw taXon table as created with TaxonTableTools
Data type: taXon table (raw)
Table S3. Filtered taXon table
Data type: taXon table (filtered)
Figure S1
Data type: image
Explanation note: Spearman correlation analyses between 2nd-step PCR replicates for reads (A) and OTUs (B). Significant correlations (p ≤ 0.05) are marked with an asterisk.
Figure S2
Data type: image
Explanation note: Proportion of shared OTUs between the two independent 2nd-step PCR replicates of each sample.