Methods |
Corresponding author: Frédéric Rimet ( ) Academic editor: Michal Grabowski
© 2021 Frédéric Rimet, Eva Aylagas, Angel Borja, Agnès Bouchez, Alexis Canino, Christian Chauvin, Teofana Chonova, Fedor Ciampor Jr, Filipe О. Costa, Benoit J. D. Ferrari, Romain Gastineau, Chloé Goulon, Muriel Gugger, Maria Holzmann, Regine Jahn, Maria Kahlert, Wolf-Henning Kusber, Christophe Laplace-Treyture, Florian Leese, Frederik Leliaert, David G. Mann, Frédéric Marchand, Vona Méléder, Jan Pawlowski, Serena Rasconi, Sinziana Rivera, Rodolphe Rougerie, Magali Schweizer, Rosa Trobajo, Valentin Vasselon, Régis Vivien, Alexander Weigand, Andrzej Witkowski, Jonas Zimmermann, Torbjørn Ekrem.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Rimet F, Aylagas E, Borja A, Bouchez A, Canino A, Chauvin C, Chonova T, Ciampor Jr F, Costa FO, Ferrari BJD, Gastineau R, Goulon C, Gugger M, Holzmann M, Jahn R, Kahlert M, Kusber W-H, Laplace-Treyture C, Leese F, Leliaert F, Mann DG, Marchand F, Méléder V, Pawlowski J, Rasconi S, Rivera S, Rougerie R, Schweizer M, Trobajo R, Vasselon V, Vivien R, Weigand A, Witkowski A, Zimmermann J, Ekrem T (2021) Metadata standards and practical guidelines for specimen and DNA curation when building barcode reference libraries for aquatic life. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 5: e58056.
DNA barcoding and metabarcoding is increasingly used to effectively and precisely assess and monitor biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. As these methods rely on data availability and quality of barcode reference libraries, it is important to develop and follow best practices to ensure optimal quality and traceability of the metadata associated with the reference barcodes used for identification. Sufficient metadata, as well as vouchers, corresponding to each reference barcode must be available to ensure reliable barcode library curation and, thereby, provide trustworthy baselines for downstream molecular species identification. This document (1) specifies the data and metadata required to ensure the relevance, the accessibility and traceability of DNA barcodes and (2) specifies the recommendations for DNA harvesting and for the storage of both voucher specimens/samples and barcode data.
aquatic organisms, barcode, DNA, metadata, quality, reference library, traceability
Human well-being is intimately linked to freshwater and marine ecosystems (
Only 10% of European rivers have very low concentrations of micropollutants (
Aquatic life and its biodiversity are crucial to ensure quality, quantity and delivery of aquatic ecosystem services (
The implementation of such directives is generally based on methodologies that assess the presence and abundance of species in freshwater or marine ecosystems
An Achilles heel of DNA barcoding and metabarcoding is the taxonomic coverage and the data quality of the barcode reference libraries.
This section details the procedures for the storage of vouchers, DNA material, DNA-barcodes and for the harvesting of DNA.
The first step in establishing a reference barcode is the correct morphological identification of specimens from which DNA will be isolated. The physical vouchers of the identified biological material should be deposited in a recognised and accessible natural history collection and be accompanied by a unique collection number (
In the following sections, depending on the organisms considered, we recommend that vouchers are stored frozen. Various temperatures are presently used (-20 °C, -40 °C, -50 °C, -80 °C), but there is a lack of long-term comparisons (e.g. 100 years) of the impact of freezing temperatures on DNA conservation. Thus, we recommend that frozen vouchers should be stored at least -20 °C (or temperatures from -20 °C to -80 °C).
2.1.1 Cyanobacteria
Different kinds of biological material can be used:
– Dry specimens:
The obligatory voucher must be the thallus or large colonial structure built by cyanobacteria. The recommended voucher can be dried treated samples.
– Monoclonal isolate in culture:
The obligatory voucher must be a living culture with a unique strain number kept in a culture collection with appropriate light source (quality and quantity of daylight).
– Monoclonal and axenic isolate in culture:
The obligatory voucher must be a culture deposited in two official collections (e.g. PCC [Pasteur Culture Collection] in Paris, France,
2.1.2 Diatoms
Different kinds of biological material can be used for diatoms:
– Culture:
The obligatory voucher must be biomass of the monoclonal culture kept at -80 °C or fixed in ethanol or fixed in a buffer and a labelled permanent microscope preparation of cleaned culture (frustules and valves). The recommended voucher can be a living culture with a unique strain number (kept in a culture collection), dried treated material, scanning electron microscope (SEM) stubs, loose dried unoxidised material, permanent slide. The recommended documentation are photographs of the alive cells and valves from slides and SEM stubs. Some diatom taxa can also be cryopreserved (e.g.
– Colony or filament:
The obligatory voucher must be a labelled permanent microscope preparation of the material (frustules and valves). The recommended voucher can be a living culture with a unique strain number (kept in a culture collection), dried treated material, scanning electron microscope stubs, loose dried unoxidised material, permanent slide. The recommended documentation are photographs of the alive cells and valves from slides and SEM stubs.
– Single cell:
The obligatory voucher must be light and/or electron microscope photographs showing diagnostic details of the cell. The recommended voucher can be a permanent microscopic slide with the frustule, if it has not been destroyed after extraction.
– Environmental sample:
The obligatory voucher must be raw material kept at -80 °C or fixed with ethanol (> 70%) or formaldehyde or buffer and a labelled permanent microscope preparation of the cleaned culture (frustule and valves). The recommended voucher can be dried treated material, scanning microscope stubs, loose dried unoxidised material, photographs.
2.1.3 Other microalgae
We propose one kind of biological material that can be used for other microalgae (other than diatoms and cyanobacteria); however, other options may be considered:
– Culture:
The obligatory voucher must be a monoclonal culture kept at -80 °C or fixed in ethanol or fixed in a buffer. The recommended voucher can be a living culture with a unique strain number (kept in a culture collection), dried treated material, light and/or electron microscope photos showing diagnostic details of the cell. Some microalgae taxa can also be cryopreserved (e.g.
2.1.4 Macroalgae and aquatic angiosperms
One kind of biological material can be used for macroalgae and aquatic angiosperms:
– Specimen kept dry or wet:
The obligatory voucher must be a voucher dried on a herbarium sheet. The recommended vouchers can be parts of the plant preserved wet (ethanol or formaldehyde) for anatomical or detailed morphological observations and/or a living culture with a unique strain number (kept in a culture collection).
2.1.5 Foraminifera
Different kinds of biological material can be used for Foraminifera:
– Single cell with mineral test:
The obligatory voucher must be electron microscope photographs showing details of the test. Since tests are destroyed during extraction, paratypes should be kept on micropaleontological slides. The recommended voucher can be dried tests of paratypes stored in micropaleontological slides at room temperature.
– Single cell with organic wall or naked:
The obligatory voucher must be light microscope photographs showing important details of the cell. Since cells are destroyed during DNA extraction, paratypes should be fixed in formalin and, for long term storage, be transferred into 70% ethanol. The recommended voucher can be test fixed in 4% formalin and permanently stored in 70% ethanol.
– Environmental sample:
The obligatory voucher must be untreated material of the environmental sample stored at -20 °C or -80 °C. The recommended voucher can be single cells isolated from the environmental sample, kept on slides or fixed and stored in 70% ethanol.
2.1.6 Macroinvertebrates, including crustaceans, echinoderms, insects, sipunculids and cnidarians
Different kinds of biological material can be used:
– Specimen frozen, dried or preserved in ethanol:
The obligatory voucher must be the hard exoskeleton dried for terrestrial taxa (e.g. pinned insects) or a specimen kept in ethanol (70–96%) or frozen (-20 °C). Slide mounts of part or of the whole specimen in permanent medium is recommended, if needed for morphological observations. The recommended voucher can also be tissue samples of specimens kept at -80 °C or -20 °C if the obligatory voucher is preserved in 70–96% ethanol.
2.1.7 Annelids
One kind of biological material can be used (
– Specimen preserved in absolute ethanol at -20 °C:
The obligatory voucher must be the anterior parts of specimen (at least the first 15 segments) kept in ethanol (> 80%) or in 4% formalin or mounted on a slide in a permanent medium. The recommended voucher used for subsequent genetic analyses can be a tissue sample of the obligatory voucher kept in absolute ethanol at -20 °C or -80 °C.
2.1.8 Molluscs
Two kinds of biological material can be used:
– Specimen preserved dry:
For shelled specimens, the obligatory voucher must be a shelled specimen preserved dry. The recommended voucher can be a separate tissue sample, high-resolution imaging data for shell surface and internal organisation (e.g. scanning electron microscopy, microtomography) and 3D model. For shell-less specimens (e.g. slugs), no ideal method for dry vouchers exists, but comprehensive imaging should be performed on living specimens prior to storing specimens in a wet collection.
– Specimen preserved wet:
The obligatory voucher must be a specimen stored wet in a preservative suitable for morphology and genetics (e.g. 80% ethanol, propylene glycol) or kept at -20 °C or -80 °C. The recommended voucher can be specimen tissues stored in a preservative suitable for morphology and genetics, comprehensive imaging data, permanent microscopic slide(s) with genital apparatus, mouth parts or other diagnostic morpho-taxonomic characters. Due to their high water content, wet preserved molluscs dilute the preservation liquid. As such, the initial preservative should be renewed after 24 h and a generally fair preservative to tissue ratio respected (e.g. > 5:1).
2.1.9 Fish
Two kinds of biological material can be used:
– Entire specimen or part of body preserved in ethanol or frozen:
Obligatory voucher must be entire body or part of body preserved in ethanol (> 80%) or frozen (-20 °C).
– Tissues samples preserved in ethanol or frozen or scales preserved dry:
The recommended voucher can be tissue samples of specimens kept at -80 °C or in ethanol (> 70%) or scales preserved dry.
2.1.10 Aquatic fungi
Two kinds of biological material can be used:
– Population from environmental sample:
The obligatory voucher must be a sample collected on a polycarbonate filter (0.6 μm pore-size) and stored at -20 °C or -80 °C. The recommended voucher can be a photograph.
– Obligate parasites:
The obligatory voucher must be a living culture isolate with its host. The recommended voucher can be raw cultures material kept frozen (-20 °C or 80 °C), photographs.
DNA can be extracted from a variety of biological materials depending on the organism group (cultures, tissues, populations, natural samples of mixed organisms etc.). As Table
Biological material from which DNA can be harvested and recommendations for procedures to isolate DNA to generate DNA barcodes for aquatic organisms.
Organism | Biological material | Recommended method for DNA isolation | References |
Cyanobacteria | Dried specimen in herbarium | DNA extraction can be performed with commercial kits optimised for plants. | Wright et al. (2001) |
Isolated specimen from freshwater and brackish water (filaments for example) | A basic phenol/chloroform extraction is feasible, but even boiling/freezing to release the DNA or boiling individual filaments in the reaction mix tube in the PCR machine prior to adding the DNA polymerase will work. | Laamanen et al. (2001, 2002) | |
Culture of monoclonal isolate, axenic or not | Several DNA extraction methods are available, but the one obtained is |
Diatoms | Monoclonal culture from single algal cell isolation | Cell isolation from an environmental sample, which is then grown in culture. DNA extraction from the culture, PCR and Sanger sequencing. Culture does not need to be axenic, but must host a single diatom taxon. Adopt this methodology for cultivable species. |
Single cell from fresh environmental sample* | Individual cell isolation from an environmental sample. DNA extraction, PCR and Sanger sequencing from the cell. This methodology is mostly suitable for large-celled species. |
Population from fresh or ethanol (> 70%) preserved environmental sample | DNA extraction of environmental sample, PCR, cloning and Sanger sequencing. Adopt this methodology for species in high abundance in an environmental sample. |
Alternatively: high-throughput sequencing of the environmental sample, with subsequent bioinformatics and phylogenetic analysis to isolate the target species barcode. Adopt this method when target species are relatively well represented in an environmental sample, but are difficult or impossible to cultivate. | |||
Other microalgae | Culture of monoclonal isolate, pure or not | DNA extraction from the culture, PCR and Sanger sequencing. Culture does not need to be axenic, but must host a single algal taxon. Adopt this methodology for cultivable species. | |
Macroalgae | Specimen silica-dried, from herbarium specimen or preserved in ethanol (> 70%) | DNA extraction of a clean portion of the thallus (with as little epiphytes as possible), PCR, Sanger sequencing. Different barcode markers are routinely applied for different groups of macroalgae. | Saunders, (2015); |
Population from environmental sample | DNA extraction, PCR and high-throughput sequencing of the environmental sample, with subsequent bioinformatics and phylogenetic analysis to isolate the target species barcode. |
Aquatic angiosperms | Specimen silica-dried, from herbarium or environmental sample | DNA extraction of a clean portion of the thallus (with as little epiphytes as possible), PCR, Sanger sequencing or high-throughput sequencing of the environmental sample. |
Foraminifera | Single cell isolated from environmental sample | Sediment samples are sieved over 500, 250, 125 and 63 µm sieves and stored separately in containers filled with seawater. Samples are inspected under a stereomicroscope and living foraminifera (distinguished by brownish, yellowish, reddish or greenish colour of cytoplasm and pseudopodial movement) are isolated. DNA extraction of single specimens in up to 500 µm of guanidine lysis buffer. For larger specimens, commercial kits adapted for plants can be used for DNA extraction. Semi-nested or nested PCR of the 18S rRNA barcode fragment for foraminifera and Sanger sequencing. Some species exhibit high intra-individual variability in their 18S rRNA genes and need to be cloned prior to sequencing. |
Population from environmental sample | DNA extraction using commercial kits adapted for soil. PCR with specific foraminiferal primers for 18S barcoding regions, high-throughput sequencing, bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses to identify metabarcodes. |
Culture from single cell or few cells from environmental sample | Only a few foraminiferal species can be cultured. Foraminifera have a complex life cycle alternating between sexual/asexual reproduction and only a few species are able to maintain repeated asexual reproduction under laboratory conditions. Single cells are isolated from cultures and extracted with guanidine lysis buffer. Semi-nested PCR, cloning (depending on intra-individual polymorphism), Sanger sequencing. |
Macroinvertebrates, including arthropods, echinoderms, sipunculids and cnidarians | Specimen fresh or preserved dried/pinned, in ethanol (> 70%) or frozen | Destructive DNA extraction of tissue sample, without destroying diagnostic features in the remaining voucher (e.g. leg, muscle tissue), PCR, high-throughput or Sanger sequencing. | Marine metazoans: |
Non-destructive DNA extraction of a complete specimen, PCR, high-throughput or Sanger sequencing. |
Annelids | Specimen preserved in ethanol (> 80%) at -20 °C or in neutral buffered formalin or fresh/frozen** | DNA extraction of entire specimens or a fragment of specimens using guanidine lysis buffer or a commercial kit, PCR and Sanger sequencing or high-throughput sequencing of genetically-tagged specimens. |
Molluscs | Specimen / tissue preserved in ethanol (> 70%) or propylene glycol | DNA extraction, inhibitor removal, PCR and then high-throughput sequencing or Sanger sequencing. | |
Specimen / tissue preserved dry | |||
Freshly-collected specimen | |||
Fish | Specimen or tissue preserved in ethanol (> 70%) or frozen, scales preserved dry | DNA extraction of muscle tissue sample (usually white muscle taken from under a scalpel-cut skin flap on the right side of the fish), of thin tissues or scales, PCR and high-throughput or Sanger sequencing. |
Aquatic fungi | Zoosporic fungi: Population from environmental sample | Enzymatic digestion and lysis buffer to digest the fungal chitin wall. Incubation with proteinase K and SDS for protein digestion and DNA extraction. DNA purification method using silica-membrane columns. PCR, cloning and sequencing. |
Filamentous fungi and yeast: isolate kept in culture | Disruption of filamentous fungal cell walls with glass bead method, followed by digestion using proteinase K. |
Rinsing fungal mycelia or yeast cells with pure water to remove potential PCR inhibitors, followed by thermolysis at 85 °C in lysis buffer, DNA amplification and extraction. |
It is of great importance to store an aliquot of extracted DNA permanently to make DNA available for future research. The aliquot should be stored permanently at -20 °C or -80 °C in an established DNA bank or a biological specimen repository, with links to the corresponding metadata (see Section 3 below). To secure its visibility and accessibility, we recommend that the repository used is affiliated with a national or international network such as RARe, the French Agronomic Biological Resources Center network (,
We strongly recommend DNA barcodes and associated metadata to be stored digitally in public, open-access databases. Examples include general databases like BOLD (
We consider the DNA sequence as primary data and all accompanying information as metadata. (See supplementary file for tabular overview of the below listed metadata).
A reference barcode must be accompanied by a minimum set of metadata. The metadata, including photographs, must be stored in digital and open-access databases, such as those listed in Section 2.2 or in a publicly accessible collection database of the storing institution.
It is important that the metadata is stored in non-proprietary formats (e.g. text documents in .txt, images in .tif) and that such databases comply with FAIR Data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable, see
The metadata must be linked to the barcode via a unique identifier assigned by the database where the sequence is stored (e.g. accession number in ENA or in GenBank). If voucher material or culture strains are available in natural history or institutional culture collections, these should be linked to the sequence.
As detailed in the following sections, metadata should include information on the DNA marker, the strain cultivation, the natural sample, the taxonomic name, the identification, the sampling location, the voucher location and the barcode authors.
3.2.1 Biological material metadata
The metadata listed below give the obligatory and recommended items that ensure the traceability of the biological material used for DNA harvesting (see Section 2.1).
Biological specimens and environmental samples
Obligatory metadata
1. Location of the sampling site
a) Geographical coordinates: for example, expressed in decimal values in WGS84 or in a different, specified geographical positioning system.
b) Country according to the ISO 3166 standard, accepted name of ocean or sea.
c) Name of the locality.
– For species of heritage interest, Red List species or endangered species, national or regional regulations might ask not to reveal precise location coordinates in order to protect their populations. These regulations should be followed and the exact locality information hidden.
– In some cases, exact coordinates are not available (e.g. when older museum specimens are used; here a georeference of the locality plus an estimated uncertainty in metres can be added).
2. Date of sampling, preferably in ISO-format (YYYY-MM-DD).
3. Name of person who collected the specimen.
4. Photo(s) of the voucher specimen showing diagnostic features, including scale(s).
a) Macroscopic organisms: whole specimen or specified parts important for morphological identification. For fish, photos should be taken of the left side of the specimen. For specimens in which the morphology can be altered during storage (e.g. dry storage of molluscs) or preservation method (e.g. ethanol for anthozoans, molluscs, polychaetes and Sipuncunlids, for example,
b) Microscopic organisms: light microscopy and/or electron microscopy micrographs must show all the important details of the cells or the colonies that are necessary for identification.
5. Preservation status and fixative used to preserve the sample.
6. Conditions for access to the material: legal requirements for use or re-use of DNA/material resources with eventual references to national/international laws. A material transfer agreement might be necessary to regulate exchange.
7. Reference of the document (published article, report etc) linked to the deposition of the barcode sequence.
Recommended metadata
1. Environment (ecosystem) at sampling site (e.g. Lake, river, swamp, tidal flat, open sea, groundwater, hyporheos, mangrove, lagoon, estuary, deep sea, rocky shore, coral reef, etc.).
2. Substrate (rock, macrophyte, sediment, hot vent, interstitial, etc.).
3. Habitat (e.g. plankton, epipelon, epilithon, epipsammon, tychoplankton, alluvial region, porous or karstic aquifer, sea floor, pelagic, benthic, intertidal, subtidal, etc.).
4. Sampling elevation (m a.s.l.).
5. Sampling depth (m).
6. Sampling device or sampling protocol.
7. Photos of the sampling site.
8. Environmental measurements: luminosity, pH, conductivity, salinity, temperature, sediment’s grain size, organic matter content and redox potential.
9. Main ecological function(s) of the specimen (if known). For instance, already existing ecological classifications, such as FAPROTAX (
10. Photos should carry the name of the photographer and associated licence, preferably a Creative Commons Licence that allows usage by third parties.
11. The FAO fishery area where the sampling was done (for marine taxa).
1. Metadata associated with the environmental sample which was used to establish the culture (see above section).
2. Name of person who isolated the starting cell.
3. Date of isolation (date the uni-algal culture was established by isolating a cell from the environmental sample).
4. Date of harvesting (date the culture was harvested to extract DNA).
5. Photo(s) showing diagnostic features of the organism.
1. Culture medium (recipe of medium used for cultivation).
2. Culture condition (light intensity, light cycles, temperature, humidity etc.).
3. Strain identifier (name or number that uniquely identifies the cultured strain in the collection).
3.2.2 Taxonomic information
To ensure universal practices across countries, taxonomic information must follow the international nomenclatural rules. Therefore, we recommend following the European standard (
Obligatory data
1. The most reliable identification to the lowest possible taxonomic rank.
2. The name used should follow the most recently-accepted published nomenclature. Due to the constant evolution of the taxonomy, careful consideration should be given to the validity and completeness of the nomenclatural naming. This identification should respect international codes of nomenclature (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature,; International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants, Internationally-accepted species registries, such as AlgaeBase (
Recommended data
1. Genus names should include the name of the author(s) with year of publication of its original valid (algae, bacteria, fungi and plants) or available (animals) publication. Genus names should be written in italics.
2. Species epithets should include the name of the author(s) with year of publication of its description or combination (see above). Species epithets should be written in italics, while “sp.” should not.
3. If applicable, include name of infraspecific taxon (subspecies, variety, forma etc.) and citation of the author(s) with year of publication of its description or combination (see above).
4. Further notes on taxon status (e.g. phylogenetic affiliation, statements on the taxon concept adopted (i.e. whether a narrow/strict (sensu stricto) or a broader (sensu lato)). If necessary, a taxonym should be given including link to a published circumscription (
3.2.3 Identification metadata
Obligatory data
1. Name of the person who identified the specimen.
2. Date on which identification was made.
3. Identification method (e.g. morphology, BOLD ID engine, NCBI BLAST, etc.).
4. If applicable, use accepted terms to indicate uncertainty in the identification (e.g. aff., cf., sp., etc.).
Recommended data
1. Name of the person who verified the identification.
2. Identification history including dates for identifications.
3. Reference to literature used to identify the material, specifying figures and pages that helped the identification.
3.2.4 Vouchers metadata
1. Full name and acronym of the institution, natural history collection or of culture collection where the voucher is deposited (preferably according to Index Herbariorum for algae, fungi and plants).
2. Unique identifier given to the voucher specimen by the collection where it is deposited and permanently physically associated with the specimen via indelible labelling.
3. Voucher condition: whole specimen, body part, frozen material, living culture etc.
4. Voucher status: regular specimen, holotype, paratype, syntype, lectotype, paralectotype, neotype etc.
1. Full name and acronym of the institution, natural history collection or culture collection where a duplicate voucher is deposited.
2. Unique identifier given to the duplicate voucher specimen by the collection where it is deposited.
3. Institution or collection where the original DNA sample is deposited.
4. Unique identifier given to the DNA sample and given by the collection where it is deposited.
5. Long-term stable identifiers linking directly to institutions in a publicly-available database (see
3.2.5 DNA marker metadata
1. Name and abbreviation of DNA marker (e.g. 18S, 16S, rbcL, cox1 …) following a standardised nomenclature (e.g. nomenclature given in: NCBI, VGNC, HGCN).
2. Name of barcode that includes details of the region inside a particular marker (e.g. 18S v4, COI-5’ etc.).
3. Forward and reverse primer with name and sequence from 5’-> 3’ direction (cite first publication, if applicable). If more of the DNA marker than the barcode region is sequenced (i.e. a longer sequence), all primers used should be listed.
4. Sequencing technology must be given, with the brand and name of the sequencer (e.g. Sanger sequencing on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer; high-throughput-sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq v2).
5. Sequence quality information (e.g. Phred score, Pherogram, fastq file, coverage or similar means to assess the quality of the stored sequences or sequencing runs).
6. Barcode generators: Person(s) who actively participated in generating the barcode.
1. DNA extraction method including protocol, brand name of the kit, if applicable.
2. PCR Mix: recipe, reaction volume, name of brand mix, if applicable.
3. PCR Protocol: protocol used for PCR amplification including duration of each step (denaturation, annealing, elongation), annealing temperature and number of cycles. The name and brand of the cycler.
4. Company or laboratory that performed the sequencing.
5. For high-throughput sequencing: software and protocol used for sequence assembly.
This document might appear to set ambitious targets for those producing barcodes; however, we believe that this minimum is necessary to ensure quality in barcode reference libraries and thus provide trustworthy results for DNA barcoding and metabarcoding. Moreover, a general focus of sustainable development and energy-saving measures should be considered by the collections hosting the vouchers.
Finally, as an overall philosophy, we wish to encourage forward thinking on the format and the contents of barcode libraries and on the need for a secure access to the invaluable genetic information therein, including the information linked to specimens from which the DNA originated.
Arthropods: Multicellular animals of the phylum Arthropoda, including insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans.
Barcode: See DNA barcode.
Base pair: Pair of complementary cross-linked nucleotides that are the building blocks of the DNA double helix.
Biological specimen: An organism of any kingdom (animal, plant or fungi) or part of an organism. Can be living (‘living specimen’), frozen, dried (e.g. herbarium material, pinned insects, fish scales) or preserved in liquid preservatives (e.g. entire fish in ethanol: ‘preserved specimen’).
BOLD: Barcode of Life Data Systems (
Culture: ex-situ cell culture. As a clonal culture derived from one isolated cell from the environment
Cultivator: Person responsible for the cultivation of a strain.
Cyanobacteria: phylum of free-living photosynthetic bacteria.
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta): Group of unicellular algae, some of which form filaments or colonies, with cell walls made of silica. They are major contributors to primary productivity worldwide and are often used in ecological assessment.
DNA barcode: A stretch of DNA from a universally-accepted DNA marker that uniquely identifies specimens to species, in the context of DNA-based identification, often called just ‘barcode’.
DNA marker: Name of the coding or non-coding region (e.g. gene, spacer region) within the genome from which the barcode has been sequenced. The naming of the coding or non-coding regions should follow standard scientific practice.
ENA: European Nucleotide Archive (
Environmental sample: Collection of a portion of a natural environment (water, sediment, soil or air). It contains DNA from organisms living in this environment.
Fish: A group of vertebrates containing jawless fish (Agnatha), cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes) and bony fish (Osteichthyes).
Fungi: group of heterotrophic eukaryotes including zoosporic, filamentous and yeast forms.
Foraminifera: Group of unicellular heterotrophic or mixotrophic eukaryotes with organic theca or agglutinated or mineral test (rarely naked) living in all marine environments and also found in freshwater and soil. Foraminifera are used as bioindicators and can give information on pre-anthropogenic conditions as they fossilise.
GenBank: National Institutes of Health (USA) genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences.
Habitat: Specific environment in which an organism lives.
HGCN: Human Gene Nomenclature Committee.
Insects (class Insecta): Hexapod invertebrates within the phylum Arthropoda (e.g. beetles, flies, odonates), characterised by a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and one pair of antennae.
Isolate: A population of cells isolated from a natural population in order to be cultured and studied. The term is usually applied in microbiology.
Isolator: person responsible of the isolation of the cell from which the clonal culture was established
Macroalgae: Macroscopic algae, comprising red (Rhodophyta), green (Viridiplantae) and brown (Phaeophyceae) lineages and forming ecologically-important primary producers in marine (all three lineages) and freshwater (green algae, mainly) ecosystems.
Metabarcoding: An identification method that enables identification of a mixture of organisms in a sample using short DNA sequences and high-througput sequencing.
Molluscs: An organism group referring to the taxa Gastropoda (snails and slugs), Bivalvia (e.g. clams, scallops, mussels), Polyplacophora (chitons), Cephalopoda (e.g. squids, octopus), Scaphopoda (tusk shells), Aplacophora and Monoplacophora.
NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information (
Obligate parasite: a living organism which depends on a host to complete its lifecycle.
Oligochaetes: Class of the phylum Annelida. The principal aquatic oligochaete families are Naididae (Naidinae and Tubificinae), Enchytraeidae, Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae and Propappidae. In addition, the Lumbricidae family includes aquatic and amphibious species.
Pherogram: Graphical account of the results from Sanger sequencing where each nucleotide is represented by a single peak and the sequence of peaks correlates to the DNA sequence of the sample analysed.
Primer: Strand of nucleic acids that serves as starting point for DNA replication.
PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction; process used for the amplification of a target region of DNA.
PCR primer: synthesised short single-stranded nucleic acids that serve as starting point for DNA synthesis in the PCR-reaction.
Taxon (plural taxa): Taxonomic unit, for example family, genus or species. In systematics, it designates a unit to which living beings are assigned according to certain criteria. Each known taxon has a scientific name, nomenclatural type and a circumscription.
Taxonym: Taxonomic concept specified by the scientific name and the reference in which its name is used.
Taxonomic backbone: Index of published taxon names which is used by databases to automatically cross-reference name entries.
VGNC: Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee.
Voucher: Physical specimen of a sample deposited in a collection.
Patricia Mergen (Botanical Garden of Meise, Belgium) is thanked for introducing experts who co-authored this paper. We thank Charlotte Duval and Claude Yéprémian of the MNHN (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France) for their comments. We acknowledge Axel Hausmann, Matthias F. Geiger and two additional anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.
This paper was written under COST Action DNAqua-Net. The European COST Action DNAqua-Net (CA 15219 is a collaborative network which gathers several hundreds of scientists and water managers, with the objective of developing new genetic tools for bioassessment and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems (