Research Article |
Corresponding author: Bouchez Agnès ( ) Academic editor: Dmitry Schigel
© 2019 Vasselon Valentin, Rimet Frédéric, Domaizon Isabelle, Monnier Olivier, Reyjol Yorick, Bouchez Agnès.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Valentin V, Frédéric R, Isabelle D, Olivier M, Yorick R, Agnès B (2019) Assessing pollution of aquatic environments with diatoms’ DNA metabarcoding: experience and developments from France Water Framework Directive networks. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 3: e39646.
Ecological status assessment of watercourses is based on the calculation of quality indices using pollution sensitivity of targeted biological groups, including diatoms. The determination and quantification of diatom species is generally based on microscopic morphological identification, which requires expertise and is time-consuming and costly. In Europe, this morphological approach is legally imposed by standards and regulatory decrees by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Over the past decade, a DNA-based molecular biology approach has newly been developed to identify species based on genetic criteria rather than morphological ones (i.e. DNA metabarcoding). In combination with high throughput sequencing technologies, metabarcoding makes it possible both to identify all species present in an environmental sample and to process several hundred samples in parallel. This article presents the results of two recent studies carried out on the WFD networks of rivers of Mayotte (2013–2018) and metropolitan France (2016–2018). These studies aimed at testing the potential application of metabarcoding for biomonitoring in the context of the WFD. We discuss the various methodological developments and optimisations that have been made to make the taxonomic inventories of diatoms produced by metabarcoding more reliable, particularly in terms of species quantification. We present the results of the application of this DNA approach on more than 500 river sites, comparing them with those obtained using the standardised morphological method. Finally, we discuss the potential of metabarcoding for routine application, its limits of application and propose some recommendations for future implementation in WFD.
metabarcoding, DNA, High-Throughput Sequencing, diatoms, biomonitoring, ecological status, Water Framework Directive
Since it came into force in 2000, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) has provided a common regulatory framework for the implementation of a water management policy in Europe (
Diatoms are one of the components of phytobenthos, which is a biological quality element that is recommended by WFD for bioassessment of continental surface waters. These microscopic unicellular algae are highly diversified with more than 12,000 species described (
The identification of diatom taxa is traditionally done by optical microscopy through the observation of the morphology of their frustule, a siliceous skeleton that protects the cellular content of each individual. This identification, which requires a high level of expertise, can be time-consuming and costly to achieve the taxonomic resolution required to calculate the indices prescribed by regulation. In France, as the annual assessment of the ecological status of thousands of sites is required for WFD, the use of the morphological approach therefore requires significant skills and resources to carry out this assessment in a robust way. For this reason, new methods for the identification of diatom species, based on DNA techniques, have recently been developed and can both facilitate the ecological assessment and complement the morphological approach (
Amongst these methods, DNA metabarcoding (
The application of DNA metabarcoding for the characterisation of benthic diatom communities is relatively recent. The first studies, carried out on mock communities, have shown the ability of the molecular approach to produce reliable species inventories (
Potential discrepancies between morphological (left) and genetic (right) approaches to characterise the species composition of a single diatom community.
In the last five years, in order to improve and test the potential of diatom DNA metabarcoding to assess the ecological status of rivers in France, two projects have been carried out on the French WFD monitoring network (Mayotte French overseas department and metropolitan France). The objectives were (i) to identify the biases impacting the molecular results and optimise the DNA workflow, in particular in terms of quantification; (ii) to evaluate on a large scale, more than 500 river sites, the capacity of the molecular approach to produce ecological status assessments comparable to those of the morphological approach.
Here, we present the synthesis of results linked to these 2 projects and originating from several studies (
This work is based on two river networks, which were monitored as part of INRA-AFB research projects; one in the French overseas department of Mayotte, the other on the French metropolitan territory. These watercourses are all subject to regulatory monitoring under the WFD.
For Mayotte, although the surface area of this French department is modest (376 km²), its rivers present a great diversity of natural and anthropogenic situations and are characterised by various benthic diatom assemblages. A total of 45 stream sites were monitored twice – in years 2014 and 2015 – (Figure
Location of sampled sites on rivers in metropolitan France in 2016 and 2017 (left) and in the overseas department of Mayotte in 2014 and 2015 (right).
For river sites sampled in metropolitan France, they were selected to meet two objectives: (i) complete the DNA barcode reference database for some missing metropolitan important diatom species and (ii) compare ecological status assessments obtained using morphological and molecular approaches on a large scale. In collaboration with the regional environmental services in charge of WFD monitoring (DREAL), 461 sites were chosen to meet these two objectives (Figure
Aquatic biofilms (periphyton) were collected during the river monitoring campaigns carried out within the framework of the WFD, in agreement with and with the participation of the actors in charge of monitoring (Water Agencies, DREALs, DEALs, consultancies), corresponding to the 2014 and 2015 campaigns for the Mayotte rivers (45 sites, 80 samples) and the 2016 and 2017 campaigns for the metropolitan rivers (461 sites, 461 samples) (Figure
The aquatic biofilm containing the benthic community of diatoms was sampled according to the current standard (NFT 13946,
The morphological approach is based on the identification by optical microscopy of diatom taxa based on the morphology of their siliceous external skeleton (frustule). The fixed biofilm samples are prepared in such a way as to allow the determination and counting of diatom species by microscopy, according to the standard NFT 90-354 (
The molecular approach in DNA metabarcoding relies on the identification of diatom taxa based on a short DNA fragment (DNA barcode). It requires several successive molecular biology steps to acquire sequence data (DNA extraction, PCR amplification, high-throughput sequencing) and then computer processing of these data to acquire diatom inventories (bioinformatics processing, statistical analyses) (Figure
DNA extraction is performed from the biofilm pellet obtained after centrifugation of the sample (30 min to 17,000 g) using the NucleoSpin Soil kit (Macherey-Nagel), according to the methodology described by
The first processing steps of the sequence data (“demultiplexing” and “pair contigating”) were performed by the sequencing platform which provides a “fastq” file. All bioinformatics steps were carried out with the Mothur programme (
Although the BDI is the French diatom index used for WFD, the Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique (IPS) (
With regard to molecular inventories, it has been shown that the copy number of the rbcL gene is directly correlated to the biovolume of diatom species (
In the end, three IPS scores were produced, based on the morphological inventory, the molecular inventory, corrected and not corrected by the CF, for each sample.
The use of diatom DNA metabarcoding as a tool for assessing the ecological status of watercourses has been explored over the past 10 years (beginning in France with the PhD thesis of L.
Development and completion of the barcode reference database “Diat.barcode”
The ability of DNA metabarcoding to accurately identify diatom taxa in an environmental sample is directly related to the quality of the DNA barcode reference database used to assign a taxonomy to OTUs. This relies largely on its diversity coverage, with one quality criterion being its completion (ideal objective of hosting at least one reference DNA barcode per diatom species,
For this reason, an expert reference database has been developed for diatoms: R-Syst::diatom (
DNA extraction from benthic diatom communities
The first laboratory step for diatoms metabarcoding is to extract DNA from aquatic biofilm samples. A wide variety of extraction methods and protocols have been developed, depending on the nature of the sample (e.g. water, soil, biofilm, organic tissue) and the targeted biological group (e.g. bacteria, fungi, diatoms) (
Five DNA extraction methods frequently used for diatoms were tested on biofilm samples from the Mayotte project (
Metabarcoding and quantification: impact of the variation in gene copy number
As diatom indices rely on the equation from
We carried out an experiment to verify whether such a correlation existed for the rbcL gene and whether it could be used to correct the relative abundances of diatom species in molecular inventories to reconcile them with those obtained by microscopy (
Correlation between the number of copies of the rbcL gene per diatom cell and the cell biovolume. Adapted from
These CFs were then successfully applied to correct the molecular inventories obtained for the Mayotte rivers WFD network (
The DNA metabarcoding optimisations presented above were all integrated at the scale of WFD river networks in Mayotte, France (80 samples) and in metropolitan France (447 samples). These tests were amongst the first to be applied at such a network scale with the objectives of assessing: (i) the large-scale applicability of the molecular approach for diatoms, (ii) its ability to produce taxonomic inventories similar to those obtained with microscopy and (iii) its ability to provide a reliable assessment of the ecological status of rivers.
Potential of diatom DNA metabarcoding to characterise river communities
Molecular inventories have identified 66 diatom species in Mayotte rivers (
Gaps in the reference database: despite the efforts made to complete the DNA barcode reference database, it remains incomplete, avoiding the full assignment of DNA read sequences to diatom species. Unassigned sequences represent 12.4% of the dataset in metropolitan France and 40.7% in Mayotte. This percentage is higher in Mayotte due to the poor knowledge of diatom diversity in this tropical island, which includes endemic and tropical species that are not yet morphologically described (
Taxonomic differences: the presence of morphologically-related species and the constant evolution of diatom taxonomy (
Detection capacity and limit: Morphological and molecular approaches do not give the same insight into diatom communities and, therefore, do not have the same detection capacity for species (Figure
False positives: whether through the presence of dead frustules recorded in morphological inventories (
The taxonomic differences between molecular and morphological inventories mainly affect species present in low abundance. Overall, dominant species, when present in the reference database, are properly detected by both approaches. The application of CFs to molecular inventories has thus made it possible to obtain DNA sequence proportions closer to cell proportions obtained by microscopy. This correction was most effective on molecular inventories from Mayotte samples. This was probably due to the fact that they were strongly dominated by genera with high biovolume (Eunotia: 31.9% of sequences, Ulnaria: 11.7% of sequences) that were poorly detected in morphological inventories (
Potential of diatom DNA metabarcoding to monitor the ecological status of rivers
Despite the compositional differences described previously, the IPS values, calculated from both inventories, were highly correlated (Figure
Correlation between morphological and molecular IPS values for samples from the WFD network of Mayotte (left) and of metropolitan France (right). Correction factors (CFs) were (below) or were not (above) applied on molecular taxonomic inventories. The limits of the WFD ecological status classes defined for the IPS are indicated in colour (red = bad, orange = poor, yellow = moderate, green = good, blue = very good), except for Mayotte where these classes are not yet defined. IPS: Indice de Polluosensibilité Spécifique.
Although the IPS index was not developed for the biomonitoring of Mayotte rivers, the corrected morphological and molecular IPS values were both in agreement with the expected quality of the rivers, allowing for a quality gradient ranging from highly impacted to low impacted situations (Figure
With regard to rivers in metropolitan France, the ecological status obtained using both approaches are congruent (Figure
Given all the results from the studies presented here and from other recent tests (e.g.
Molecular and morphological approaches are complementary tools
While some recent studies have shown the potential of taxonomy-free approaches (
DNA metabarcoding has the ability to quickly and cost-effectively evaluate a large number of samples. This high-throughput potential could be used, for example, to monitor large numbers of sites as a first step. Then for sites showing higher risk of not achieving good ecological status or for sites subject to management actions to restore good status, it is more crucial to reliably assess their temporal trajectory. In this case, monitoring with the classical approach will ensure continuity in action and in ecological understanding (
Indeed, the molecular approach opens up new perspectives in terms of environmental monitoring. For the time being, the WFD monitoring network for rivers in metropolitan France includes 1,673 sites monitored once a year, for a total river length of 623,464 km, which remains a poor coverage. The molecular approach, with its ability to deal with a large number of samples, offers the perspective to increase: (i) the number of sites monitored annually to provide more spatially complete monitoring and (ii) the number of monitoring operations throughout the year and thus allow the temporal variability of ecosystems to be explored. The latter could be particularly interesting for rivers submitted to large seasonal variations in terms of pressures (e.g. temporary rivers,
WFD compatibility of molecular approaches for diatoms
In addition to the need to continue the methodological development of the molecular approach, it is also essential to propose strategies to make the ecological status assessments it produces more reliable:
Validate molecular inventories: as with the minimum number of valves required in microscopic counts (
Control the metabarcoding workflow: a wide variety of methods, technologies and protocols can be used throughout the workflow of diatom DNA metabarcoding. To validate and compare results, controls should be integrated at each step. For example, it has been proposed to systematically include in each pool of samples, prior to sequencing, a controlled mock-community built from cultures (
Intercalibrate and standardise protocols: as for morphological inventories, inter-calibration exercises should be implemented in order to validate methodologies and results from different laboratories and to limit the level of uncertainty in data quality. This should lead to the development of standards which are crucial for the implementation of the molecular approach. For diatom metabarcoding, two CEN technical reports TR 17245 (
Transfer knowledge: it is crucial to set up training courses to enable the transfer of technical and theoretical knowledge to environment managers and stakeholders. The definition and transfer of good practices for implementing the molecular approach will be essential for their effective use in river monitoring and future implementation in environmental regulations.
Deploying the molecular approach in parallel with the morphological during the next WFD monitoring cycle on a large set of WFD river sites will require the definition of a common strategy for: (i) sample collection and storage, (ii) laboratory molecular biology steps (DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing), (iii) bioinformatics processing of DNA sequencing data and (iv) calculation of diatom indices and evaluation of water quality status. Considering the high throughput provided by the molecular approach, it is necessary to meet new needs, such as the sustainability of DNA barcode reference databases, the storage of samples and sequence data and the maintenance and improvement of the molecular approach. To provide a solution for these needs, it is necessary to bring together the different actors (e.g. decision-makers, researchers, managers, monitoring bodies, standardisation bodies, private companies, biotechnology companies), in order to define their respective skills and roles and, thus, to implement this methodology in a concerted and routine manner. This has been initiated at European level within the framework of DNAqua-Net (
The rapid and constant technological developments in molecular biology in recent years, particularly in terms of DNA sequencing capacity, have provided increasingly powerful tools to characterise the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems. They now allow new ways of monitoring aquatic ecosystems, by working at a higher rate on larger spatial and temporal scales. On the other hand, these rapid evolutions leave us limited time to get to grip the new tools, define their application limits and standardise their use. If technological transfers are not well thought out and not well implemented for biomonitoring, the potential gain expected could be lost, replaced by a degradation of our knowledge and ability to monitor and protect aquatic ecosystems. The stability of current bioassessment methods and the experience we now have on their use, although with many limitations, should allow us to take the time to safely acquire new tools in parallel and build tomorrow’s biomonitoring.
We would like to thank the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) for funding the studies on the rivers of Mayotte (2013–2018) and metropolitan France (2016–2018), as well as INRA, which directed this research. We would also like to thank all the actors who participated in this work through sampling and morphological analysis: French DREALs (Aquitaine – D. Sagnet, Auvergne – F. Véry, Bourgogne – V. Peeters, Bretagne – G. Gicquiaud, Centre – S. Saadat and C. Karabaghli, Corse – I. Boulier, Franche-Comté – E. Parmentier, Ile-de-France – O. Cortial, Limousin – J.M. Vouters, Lorraine – D. Heudre, Midi-Pyrénées – E. Seigneur, Pays-de-la-Loire – D. Guillard, Rhône-Alpes – R. Chavaux, Normandie – F. Pétel, PACA – V. Vassal, Picardie – D. Fouré, Nord-Pas-de-Calais – N. Zydek), French Water Agencies (Artois-Picardy – C. Lesniak, Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse – L. Imbert and F. Repellini, Adour-Garonne – M. Durand, J.P. Rebillard and M. Saut, Rhin-Meuse – J.L. Matte and G. Demortier, Loire-Bretagne – J. Durocher, Seine-Normandie – M. Berdoulay) and Consultancies (AQUABIO – R. Marcel and B. Fontan, AQUASCOP – J. Vizinet, ECOMA – L. Kermarrec, SAGE – A. Rolland, J.P. Vulliet and C. Geret, GREBE – P. Prompt, Eurofins Environmental Expertise – L. Feret).
We would also like to thank Gilles Gassiole, Kálmán Tapolczai and Sinziana F. Rivera, who made significant contributions to the sampling, acquisition and analysis of morphological and molecular data and we would like to thank COST Action DNAqua-Net (CA15219), supported by the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) programme which supported this work.
We would like to thank ASTEE who rewarded this PhD work and the editors of TSM and MBMG for their enthusiasm to publish it in their respective journals.
The data from the WFD river network on the French metropolitan territory are available at the following open-access repositories:
– Sampling sites and floristic lists:
– Raw sequencing data:
The data from the WFD river network on the French overseas department of Mayotte are available at the following open-access repositories:
– Sampling sites and floristic lists: 10.15454/6Z5IAH&version=1
– Raw sequencing data: