Research Article
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7: e98539 (23 Feb 2023) (23 Feb 2023)
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Creation of a regional library for the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL-rl) with a reliability ranking system
Evaluating the accuracy and precision of species assignments using the public NCBI-nt repository
Contrasting species assignments using the regional library or the public NBCI-nt repository, and popular assignment methods
Data accessibility
A COI regional library with a reliability ranking system for metazoans from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL-rl)
Accuracy and precision of species assignments using NCBI-nt and two assignment methods
Comparison of the reliability of species assignments to a metabarcoding dataset using GSL-rl and NCBI-nt with three assignment methods
A COI regional library with a reliability ranking system for metazoans from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL-rl)
Accuracy of species assignments using NCBI-nt and two assignment methods
Comparing the reliability of species assignments to a metabarcoding dataset using GSL-rl and NCBI-nt with three assignment methods
Maximizing the reliability and the number of species assignments in eDNA metabarcoding studies by combining the use of a regional library and a public repository
Supplementary material
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