Research Article
Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 3: e34002 (12 Jun 2019) (12 Jun 2019)
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Article title
Key Words
Material and methods
Sampling sites
Sample analysis
Morphological analysis
DNA extraction and PCR amplification
Preparation and High-Throughput sequencing of DNA
Sequence data processing
Ecological status class assessment
Statistical analysis
Comparison of methods for environmental assessment – Ecological status class
Comparison of methods for environmental assessment – Polluosensibilité spécifique index (IPS)
Deviations link to Environmental variables
General deviations in species lists
Shannon diversity and taxa missing from reference databases
Causes for differences in the species list between morphological and molecular assessments
Main species causing differences in IPS
Comparative use of the rbcL and 18S markers
Different ecological status resulted from the morphological and the molecular assessments
The reference database incompleteness leads both to non-identification and misidentification of species
The detection of species is also affected by primer bias and the choice of the pipeline
The metabarcoding detect additional species
Not only the presence of species had an impact on the IPS scores, species abundances were also affecting the index calculations
Different markers give different ecological status assessment
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