Semi-quantitative metrics. A ASV table as the outcome of a DNA metabarcoding experiment, rows are samples, columns are ASVs, numbers are raw read counts. From the ASV table, semi-quantitative metrics can be derived, e.g. frequency and percentage of occurrence, bipartite networks and relative read abundance. B Frequency and percentage of occurrence derived from ASV table, frequency of occurrence simplifies the ASV table into presence/absence data, indicated by presence or absence of a rectangle (left), when summarising this over all samples, percentage of occurrence can be an informative metric for abundance in a system (right). C Bipartite networks derived from the ASV table, samples and ASVs are nodes, edges indicate presence/absence of the ASVs per sample (left), when summarising this over all samples, link strength can be an informative metric for abundance in a system (right). D Relative read abundance derived from ASV table, relative read abundance for individual samples is determined by dividing raw read counts of individual ASVs by total read count per sample (left), when summarizing this over all samples, mean relative read abundance can be an informative metric for abundance in a system (right); abbreviations: S – Sample, ASV – Amplicon sequence variant, RRA – relative read abundance; ASVs are colour coded and refer to ASVs from (A), artwork: Alice Scherges.

  Part of: Sickel W, Zizka V, Scherges A, Bourlat SJ, Dieker P (2023) Abundance estimation with DNA metabarcoding – recent advancements for terrestrial arthropods. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7: e112290.